Saturday, November 29, 2008

Thanksgiving Dinner Quotes

Isaac: (pointing at cranberry sauce, referring to pilgrims:)

"Why did the tambourines call it stuffing?"

Isaac: (again referring to the pilgrims, groaning a bit:)

"How could they eat so much?"

Janie: (referring to, you can guess!) ;)

"Are you going to get some smashed potatoes, Katie?"

Wednesday, November 26, 2008

A Thanksgiving Funny

Nooo, this is not my personal story. I just thought it was funny!

NAPKINS...ahhhhh...the joys of having girls...

My mother taught me to read when I was four years old (her first mistake)....

One day, I was in the bathroom and noticed one of the cabinet doors was ajar. I read the box in the cabinet. I then asked my mother why she was keeping 'napkins' in the bathroom. Didn't they belong in the kitchen?

Not wanting to burden me with unnecessary facts, she told me that those were for "special occasions" (her second mistake)...

Now, fast forward a few months....It's Thanksgiving Day, and my folks are leaving to pick up my uncle and his wife for dinner. Mom had assignments for all of us while they were gone. Mine was to set the table.

When they returned, my uncle came in first and immediately burst into laughter.

Next, in came his wife who gasped, then began giggling.

Next, in came my father, who roared with laughter.

Then in came Mom, who almost died of embarrassment when she saw each place setting on the table with a "special occasion" napkin at each plate, with the fork carefully arranged on top. I had even tucked the little tail in so they didn't hang off the edge!!

My mother asked me why I used these and, of course, my response sent the other adults into further fits of laughter.

"But, Mom, you SAID they were for special occasions!!!" Isn't it easier to just tell the truth and be careful who you ask to set the table for you!

Wednesday, January 9, 2008


I had a moment around September when I thought I was becoming overwhelmed. I had many, many things on my plate. I thought....

Just having a child with a life threatening illness is enough.
Just having a learning disabled child is enough.
Just being a pastor's wife is enough.
Just having six children is enough.
Just homeschooling is enough.
Just cooking and cleaning is enough.
Did I mention laundry?

I thought I should be overwhelmed.

So... God gave me 3 more children.
Lot's of exciting behavior issues.
I learned how to treat pediculus humanus.
I had more laundry.
And they all got sick. Three times.
They all slept through the night...maybe three times.

Now that I am back to just 7, it seems quite manageable.
I thought God's little lesson was pretty ingenious.
It worked for me. I should not have wavered in my faith.
God NEVER gives us more than we can handle.

I learned I have to be wise and disciplined with my sleep and time.

It's hard to go to bed at night...the house is finally quiet! Yet I pay a great price the next day if I do not! Remember my quote from Ben Franklin? I forgot it over the summer..."early to bed, early to rise..."

Well. There's my great epiphany.